Church Life
Membership is important at GTCC. Membership is a means of covenanting with the body of Christ to serve one another, live according to God’s Word, and hold each other accountable. Members at GTCC are required to:
- Be born again believers in Jesus Christ
- Be baptized as believers by immersion
- Fill out an application for membership
- Affirm the revised New Hampshire Baptist Confession
- Affirm the GTCC Covenant
- Be interviewed by the Elders regarding a testimony of faith in Christ.
Because Family Discipleship is a core value at GTCC, we desire to equip and support all parents in this biblical responsibility. Faithful obedience to this charge in Scripture (Deut 6:4-9; Eph 6:1-4) leads to revival in the home, revival in the church, and revival in our communities.
One of our core values is a Great Commission Lifestyle. We reject the hyper-Calvinistic resistance to evangelism. We believe the Great Commission command is clearly for all believers. Evangelism must be integrated into our very lifestyle through hospitality, ministries of mercy, door to door witnessing, and going in the marketplaces to name a few. We aim to make it a regular part of our lives as “the church” to evangelize the lost by going out to where they live and gather.
We encourage the body of Christ to prayerfully embrace opportunities to “do good unto all men,” to feed the poor, care for the widows, care for the orphans, provide shelter for the homeless, and minister to the afflicted. These ministries should all be done with a Gospel-centered focus, ministering to the whole man, lest we miss the opportunity to offer the remedy for the greatest need of every man…eternal salvation.