What To Expect

Expositional Preaching: We believe that a regular diet of preaching should be verse by verse exposition of books of the Bible. This is the norm at GTCC.
Balanced Worship: We value Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs. We cherish the older theologically rich hymns of the faith that have stood the test of time and are encouraged by more recent doctrinal sound hymns and songs that express glory to the Lord. Both are experienced during worship.
Scripture Reading: The Bible makes it plain that the public reading of Scripture is a valued part of the life of God’s people.
Prayer: Prayer in the form of praise, petition, and confession is an essential part of the life of God’s Church. You will find these various expressions of prayer in our meetings.

All Ages Present: We welcome and encourage all ages to worship together in our worship service. A nursery area is provided for infants, however, we welcome all ages in the worship service, including infants. For those who keep their infants with them, there is also a nursing room available where the sermon can be heard. You will often see family members, friends, and church family helping young mothers by holding a restless infant.
Catechism: We value the practice of learning doctrine through study and memory of confessions and catechisms. In expressing this value and modeling it for all of the congregation, we regularly recite portions of historic catechisms and confessions as a part of our corporate worship time.